Monday, September 1, 2008

2008 考生祈福会

为让考生们借着祈福的愿力,有信心面对考试, 大学园青年分团将举办考生祈福会。


地点:佛光山文教中心 ss3


服装:长裤, 包鞋

有兴趣参与者请联络颖欣(012-6853189) or雪娜(012-3119292)


There'll be an exam ceremony blessing for students who's going to sit or currently sitting for exams or up coming exam a blessing to have a clam and smooth flow throughout the exam period.

This event will be carryout in dual language which is english and chinese. However, the blessing ceremony will be carryout in chinese.

date: 7/9/2008

venue: Fo Guang shan Temple(Taman University Branch) ss3

time: 10am-12pm

dress code: smart and casual, long pants and shoes

everyone is invited... and hope everyone of you all the best in your exams.

any enquires, feel free to call 颖欣(012-6853189) or雪娜(012-3119292)